Friday, August 8, 2014

close friend's E-Day


when i was on my way to the class,
i got a msg in fb from one of my close friends in Jeli, Dalila.
she invited me to her E-Day during mid-semester break.

i was quite shocked actually.
i never thought that she would be engaged to someone.
actually it's quite a long time i didn't get in touch with her,
since both of us were quite busy with our university's lives.
she's in UiTM Dungun if i'm not mistaken. hehe

so, since i've been invited, i went to her house during her E-Day.
and i'm very very happy to see her changes.
she was wearing tudung labuh and jubah during the day..really beautiful :)
she said that she knows him just for a few months,
and after that he proposed her and she accepted!
these are some pictures with her ;)

a wish for her:
happy engangement day dear ;)
i wish u'd be his wife really soon 
and build a beautiful love story with him after marriage ;)

a new beginning


hai >.<
setelah sekian lama menyepikan diri..hehe
sorry laa busy dgn stdy life kann..
but not anymore :D
i can proudly say that i'm not a student in UiTM anymore :D
my final semester had just ended on 10th July 2014 yeaayyyyy!!!! :D

there's a lot of things happened 
and a lot of things that taught me during this final semester
a lot of laugh, a lot of tears, a lot of memories
those moments make me stronger day by day
thank you everyone 
and thanks to you too..yes you. 

so, this is just a new beginning for me.
not as a student.
my next plan is,
get a job.
save money.
get married..ooppss.haha
further study..with nuyu. ;)

Friday, May 16, 2014


can i say i miss those moments? i guess i can't.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Majlis dan lepak ;)


setelah agak lama xupdate, hihi ;)
bz mmg mls gler nk update blog ni.
ok skrg nk letak gmba mse majlis perkahwinan salah sorg anak dato' ni haa..
xknal rapat dijemput sbb saya ni ahli yayasan company tu jgk..
so apalagi, berjimba dgn dress la mase tu..kikiki ;)

 depa ni sume ahli yayasan jgk, sme mcm kite ni haa :) 

bersama salah seorg dato' dalam yayasan serta isterinya :)

 member satu sekolah yg bersama2 dlm yayasan ni :)

tmpt majlis, Dewan Jubli Perak, Shah Alam :)

bergambar dgn ahli :)

bersama tuan rumah :)

di hadapan dewan :)

 K.A.M.I ;)

 ini gmba sendiri yg agak poyo, sila abaikan klau
xsanggup nk tgk..eerrggghhh ;)

then melencong ke taman tasik shah alam dgn member :)

okey, yang last ni selfie yg terlampau..kikiki ;)

Sunday, January 5, 2014



dah lama xupdate blog..
bila ada masalah je baru aku terasa nk update blog yg bhabuk ni ha..
stress sebenarnya..
salah ke kalau ada kawan laki? kawan okey, bukan boipreng
aku pernah cite yg aku kuar ngn 2 org kwn laki aku..
actually, kt skolah dlu aku xpnh pn bbual ngn dorg,
atas faktor suasana skolah tu dlu2..

tp bila aku kt shah alam ni,
aku aktif sgt bertwitter,
so dorg berani la nk tegur2 aku,
ajak aku keluar minum air kt seksyen 2 tu..
aku xfikir pun dorang nk ngorat aku ke apa,
sbb mmg dorg biasa je kuar ngn bdk pmpn skolah aku yg lain..
klau ad geng skolah aku yg pmpn ajak kuar minum ke,
aku pegi mslhnya xd..

nk kwn ngn laki pn xleh ke?
aku pk dorg anggap aku kawan,
sbb tu aku boleh je kuar ble dorg ajak aku..
dorg pn pk cmtu setahu aku..
haihh susah la camni..
nk berkawan pn xleh
pastu ingat aku playgirl
dah mmber, aku layan laa..
mmber je pun, bukannya aku kuar gedik2 ngn dorg
haihhhh tension aku 

semalam pun ada sorg mmber laki yg msj ajak pegi uptown,
nasib baik aku dah tdo smlm,
tdo awl sbb tension pasal benda ni la.
klau ak xtdo lg, mmg serba salah la dibuatnya.
senang2 aku duk je terperap dlm umah ni,
xyah kuar rumah.

*kena duk sorg2 camni agaknya baru org lain hepi

Sunday, December 15, 2013



hai :)
penah tak korang rasa kepala korang berat giler?
rasa mcm need to do some refreshment..even a little bit..
even a crazy little refreshment, which will make u feel better..
far away better than having a calm situation,
which is never enough to make u feel better?
yup, that's my special characteristic..

bila rasa mcm dah xsanggup sgt,
saya kne buat benda yg gila..haha
benda gila tu xd la gila pegi minum arak ke apa,
just a simple thing actually,
i just need to go home. :)
my hometown, my family's house.
being in that house just make me feel really better. :)

teringat masa stdy kt machang,
even kt skolah menengah dulu2 pn..
bila ad problem mesti col ma abah sruh amik saya balik rumah..
bila dah duk rumah shari dua, bleh pegi skolah mcm xd ap yg berlaku..
yes, seriously it is weird but it is true :)

bila dah mandi kt umah, air yg sejuk gila tu,
rasa mcm ringan sgt2 kepala ni..
terasa untung plak kt umah pkai air original dr air terjun..
hihihi best gler mandi kt umah..
the most interesting activity ble balik umah, mandi la.. :D
(padahal tghari baru mandi sbb nk mndi pg sejuuuuuukkk sgt! =.=")

otw balik shah alam tu, 
abg drive agak laju..100km/j kt highway timur barat jeli-gerik,
sejak bila la dia pandai drive laju2 cmtu..=.="
dia ckp, abah pernah anta dia pegi gerik,
abah drive 120km/j kt highway yg sama. =.="
haiyooo, abah abah..
tiba2 rindu abah sepanjang perjalanan tu..
hmm xpernah ragui cara abah drive,
yelah dekat 10 tahun abah ulang alik kt highway tu..
dah expert sgt setiap selekoh tu :)

byk yg xterurus kt rumah, sejak abah xd..
rumput tggi, paip slow..lampu mentol rosak..
tp xd sape pn yg pndai buat semua tu..
dulu abah yg selalu buat sume tu..
sgt kagum dgn abah..
sbg seorang ayah, abah sgt2 bertanggungjawab :)
akan pastikan setiap kekurangan dlm rumah tu lengkap semula..

ikut ma pergi berniaga, ma cari org utk tlg ma pasang khemah,
ada pengganti, tp xsama mcm abah..
saya tgk ma senyum,
tp saya xbleh nk agak ap dlm hati ma..
tp saya yakin,
ma rindukan abah..yg slalu bekerja kuat utk family..
utk besarkan anak2 dia..
wlaupun ma dah mula bahagia skrg, 
tp saya yakin ma selalu teringatkan abah..
sbb saya sbg anak dia pun selalu ingat kt abah,
apatah lagi ma, yg dah bpuluh2 tahun hdup bsama abah..

hampir setahun abah pergi,
but still terasa mcm baru semalam saya cium dahi abah,
sebelum abah dikafankan..
mesti abah tau anak dia ni byk mslh skrg..
maaf abah..sbb selalu nangis bila teringat kt abah :'(

masa kt highway jeli-gerik tu ternampak cahaya oren,
dgn langit biru..cantik :)
mcm dlm gmba ni :) Subhanallah

Sunday, November 24, 2013

my first trip to kl with bff ;)


hai hai..hihi..
sbb boring kejap arini, nk post gmba kenangan with one of my bff,
ayun wahab..
hmm mse ni tgh frust..kot..sbb ad someone tu buat aku heartbroken..
tp still lg bleh tersenyum mcm nothing happen ;)

time ni bulan puasa..
1st destination jalan TAR,
then pegi sogo, pastu pusing shopping kt masjid jamek..
bukak pose dgn mmber skolah dulu..farhan al-yahya n the gang..
balik naik bas yg last skali..
mse tu berdebar sbb tkot kne tggal dgn punya pasal..aish..

a really nice memory..with her ;)